I love comics. During my life I have been fortunate enough to meet some of the great storytellers and artists who wrote and drew the comics I like best, including the greatest of them all, Carl Barks. In this podcast and blog I will share with you some of the magic of these meetings. Occasionally I shall also post some comics-related essays.
I am very busy professionally, and this is a labour-intensive and time-consuming side interest; I don't expect ever to become a regular or frequent blogger—consider it a period of high activity if there's one new podcast per month! But I promise I'll do my best to make every new contribution worthy of your visit.
idea for this podcast ultimately goes back to the amazing thrill I
once got when I found on the web an audio interview of one of my
long-time heroes, Giorgio Cavazzano. Hearing his warm and friendly
voice made it all come alive, so much more than a transcript could
possibly do. I want to share this thrill with you. I already have some
historical material to sort out and, assuming this initiative has a
following, I plan to interview many more comics authors especially for
this podcast.
If you do listen to any of these tracks, please be sure to leave a comment on the blog! Although I can't guarantee it (and certainly can't guarantee a reply), chances are that the comics creators who appear on my podcast will also be reading and enjoying your comments on what they said.
Unless otherwise
stated, all contents (audio tracks, articles, images etc) on Comics Podcast
is © Frank Stajano and is licensed to you at no charge under a
Commons License requiring
attribution, no commercial uses and no derivative works (link gives details).
THank you for posting these podcasts. I've been looking for this book for ages, without any result. And with these interviews I kind of get the book - in a way, and in english. When is the next parts comming?
Glad you like this material!
Just for my own curiosity, where were you looking for the book, and when? There was a time, long ago, when it was still sold...
The next part will be available when it's ready. I'll consider myself happy if I can do one good post per month!
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